How Much Does a Cord of Wood Weigh? Shocking Truth Revealed

how much does a cord of wood weigh

If you’ve ever wondered how much does a cord of wood weighs?, you’re not alone. Many people are surprised to learn that the weight of a cord of wood can vary widely depending on several factors. Whether you’re buying wood for your fireplace, stove, or outdoor firepit, knowing how much it weighs is essential for transportation and storage. How Much Does a Cord of Wood Weigh? In this article, we’ll explore the shocking truth behind how much a cord of wood weighs, what influences its weight, and why it matters to you.

how much does a cord of wood weigh

What Is a Cord of Wood?

How Much Does a Cord of Wood Weigh? Before we dive into how much does a cord of wood weigh, it’s essential to understand what a cord of wood actually is. A cord of wood is a standard measurement used to sell firewood in the U.S. It refers to a stack of wood that measures 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long, equaling 128 cubic feet of timber. However, not all cords of wood are created equal, and the type of wood you buy will significantly impact its weight.

Factors That Affect the Weight of a Cord of Wood

So, how much does a cord of wood weigh? The answer depends on a variety of factors, including the type of wood, its moisture content, and whether it’s seasoned or green. Let’s take a closer look at these factors to understand how they affect the weight of a cord of wood.

Type of Wood

The type of wood is one of the most significant factors that affect its weight. Hardwood trees like oak, maple, and hickory are denser and heavier than softwood trees like pine, cedar, and spruce. As a result, a cord of hardwood can weigh significantly more than a cord of softwood.

  • Hardwoods: A cord of seasoned hardwood typically weighs between 3,500 to 5,000 pounds.
  • Softwoods: On the other hand, a cord of seasoned softwood may weigh between 2,500 to 3,000 pounds.

Since hardwoods burn longer and hotter, they are often preferred for home heating, but the heavier weight may make them harder to transport.

Moisture Content

Another key factor in answering the question of how much does a cord of wood weigh is its moisture content. Green or unseasoned wood contains a lot of water, which makes it heavier than seasoned wood that has been dried out. Freshly cut green wood can contain up to 50% water, significantly increasing its weight.

  • Green Wood: A cord of green hardwood can weigh as much as 5,500 pounds.
  • Seasoned Wood: After proper drying, seasoned hardwood weighs between 3,500 to 4,000 pounds.

Appropriately seasoned wood not only weighs less but also burns more efficiently, making it a better choice for most purposes.

Wood Density

The density of wood also plays a role in determining its weight. Denser wood types, such as oak and hickory, are heavier than less dense varieties like poplar or pine. Denser wood will weigh more even when it is dry, which is why it’s essential to choose the right type of wood for your needs.

  • Oak: A cord of seasoned oak can weigh around 4,000 pounds.
  • Pine: In comparison, a cord of seasoned pine may weigh closer to 2,500 pounds.

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Why Is a Wooden Cord’s Weight Important?

How Much Does a Cord of Wood Weigh? Knowing how much does a cord of wood weigh is essential for several reasons, including transportation, storage, and burning efficiency.


One of the first considerations is how you’re going to transport the wood. If you’re buying a cord of hardwood, you’ll need to be prepared for its significant weight. Five thousand pounds is the equivalent of a fully loaded pickup truck! If you don’t have the right equipment to haul a heavy cord of wood, you might want to hire a professional delivery service.


If you’re buying wood for the winter, you’ll also need to consider how much space you have to store it. A heavier cord of hardwood will take up the same amount of space as a lighter cord of softwood. Still, its added weight may require sturdier storage racks or an appropriate outdoor storage solution to avoid damage to your property.

Burning Efficiency

The weight of a cord of wood directly impacts how efficiently it burns. Heavier hardwoods burn longer and hotter, providing more heat for your home. However, because they’re denser, they may take longer to ignite than lighter softwoods. Softwoods, while lighter and easier to start, burn faster and produce less heat.

How to Measure and Buy a Cord of Wood

When you’re buying firewood, it’s crucial to know you’re getting a full cord of wood. Here are some tips to ensure you’re getting the right amount and type of wood for your needs:

Measure Carefully

An actual cord of wood should measure 128 cubic feet. That means a stack that is 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long. Be cautious of sellers who try to pass off smaller stacks as a full cord. Always measure the stack yourself or ask the seller for precise dimensions to ensure you’re getting what you paid for.

Ask About Seasoning

When buying wood, always ask if the wood is seasoned or green. Remember, how much does a cord of wood weigh will differ significantly between green and seasoned wood. How Much Does a Cord of Wood Weigh? Seasoned wood is lighter, burns more efficiently, and is usually a better investment.

Choose the Right Wood Type

Based on your needs, choose between hardwoods or softwoods. If you’re heating your home, hardwoods like oak or hickory will provide the best results. How Much Does a Cord of Wood Weigh? If you’re using the wood for an outdoor firepit, softwoods like pine or fir may be easier to manage.

How to Season Your Firewood

how much does a cord of wood weigh

If you purchase green wood or cut your own, you’ll need to season it before it’s ready to burn. Seasoning wood reduces its weight and increases its burning efficiency. Here’s how to season firewood properly:

Stack the Wood Correctly

Stack the wood in a way that allows air to circulate each piece. Avoid stacking it directly on the ground to prevent moisture from seeping in. Use a storage rack or pallets to keep it off the ground.

Cover the Wood

Cover the top of your woodpile with a tarp or other waterproof material, but leave the sides exposed. This will allow moisture to escape while protecting the wood from rain and snow.

Be Patient

Wood typically needs six months to a year to season thoroughly. If you’re in a hurry, you can speed up the process by splitting the wood into smaller pieces and stacking it in a well-ventilated area.

So, how much does a cord of wood weigh? As we’ve revealed, the answer depends on factors like the type of wood, moisture content, and density. A cord of wood can weigh anywhere from 2,500 pounds to over 5,000 pounds, depending on whether it’s seasoned or green and whether it’s hardwood or softwood. How Much Does a Cord of Wood Weigh? Knowing the weight of a cord of wood is essential for making informed decisions about transportation, storage, and burning efficiency. Whether you’re buying firewood for the first time or you’re a seasoned pro, understanding these factors will help you choose the best wood for your needs.