How Long Does a Crown Take? Shocking Truth You Need to Know

how long does a crown take

When you need dental work, one of the most common questions you might ask is, “How long does a crown take?” Dental crowns are commonly used to restore the appearance and functionality of teeth, while the process may vary depending on several factors. How Long Does a Crown Take? In this article, we’ll explore every aspect of how long it takes to get a crown, from the initial consultation to the final fitting. The truth may surprise you!

What Is a Dental Crown?

Before diving into the timeline, it’s important to understand what a dental crown is and why you might need one. How Long Does a Crown Take? A crown is a custom-made cap placed over a damaged tooth. It can restore the tooth’s shape, size, and strength while improving its appearance. Crowns are commonly used for:

  • Teeth weakened by decay or fractures
  • Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment
  • Covering misshapen or discolored teeth

Getting a crown involves several steps, each of which can affect how long the process takes.

The Steps of Getting a Crown

When you ask, “How long does a crown take?” Understanding the many steps involved in the technique is helpful. Let’s break down each step so you can get a clear picture.

Step 1: Initial Consultation and Examination

The first step is your meeting with the dentist. During this visit, the dentist will examine your tooth and take X-rays to check the extent of the damage. How Long Does a Crown Take? This is necessary to determine whether a crown is the right solution for you.

Time required: This appointment typically lasts 30 to 60 minutes.

Step 2: Tooth Preparation

If your dentist decides that a crown is needed, they will start by preparing the tooth. This involves numbing the area around the tooth, removing any decay, and reshaping the tooth so the crown can fit properly.

Time required: The tooth preparation usually takes 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the condition of the tooth.

Step 3: Impressions of the Tooth

Once the tooth is prepped, your dentist will take impressions of it, which will be sent to a lab to create your custom crown. If your dentist uses digital scanners, this process may take less time than traditional molds.

Time required: Taking impressions can take 15 to 30 minutes.

Step 4: Placement of a Temporary Crown

While you wait for the permanent crown, your dentist will place a temporary crown to protect the prepared tooth.

Time required: This step takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

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How Long Does It Take to Get a Permanent Crown?

Once the impressions are taken, the next question is, “How long does a crown take to be made?” The timeline depends on whether you’re getting a traditional crown or opting for a same-day crown.

Traditional Crowns

For traditional crowns, the impressions are sent to a lab where the crown is custom-made. This process can take between one to three weeks, depending on the lab’s schedule and the type of crown material you choose (e.g., porcelain, metal, or ceramic).

Total time: 1 to 3 weeks

Same-Day Crowns

With advances in technology, some dental practices now offer same-day crowns. Using a technique called CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing), your dentist can make the crown in the office and place it in a single visit.

Total time: 2 to 4 hours for the entire procedure.

Factors That Affect How Long a Crown Takes

Several factors can influence the timeline of getting a crown. Understanding these will help you answer the question, “How long does a crown take in my specific situation?”

The Severity of Tooth Damage

If your tooth is significantly decayed or broken, it may need extra work before a crown can be placed. For example, your dentist may recommend a root canal, which adds more time to the process.

Type of Crown

The material used for your crown also plays a role. Metal crowns generally take less time to make compared to porcelain or ceramic crowns, which require more detailed shaping and coloring.

Dentist’s Availability

Your dentist’s schedule and the availability of appointments can also affect how quickly you receive your crown. How Long Does a Crown Take? Some dentists have lab technicians in-house, which can shorten the timeline.

The Final Appointment: Fitting the Permanent Crown

How Long Does a Crown Take? After your permanent crown is ready, it’s time for the final appointment, where the crown is placed on your tooth. Here’s what happens during this visit.

Step 1: Removing the Temporary Crown

Your dentist will remove the temporary crown and clean the tooth to prepare it for the permanent one.

Time required: About 10 minutes.

Step 2: Fitting the Permanent Crown

Next, the dentist will fit the permanent crown to ensure it sits perfectly on the tooth. They will check the fit, alignment, and appearance.

Time required: This step typically takes 20 to 30 minutes.

Step 3: Cementing the Crown in Place

Once the dentist confirms the fit, they will use a special cement to secure the crown. After a few minutes of setting, the crown will be fully functional.

Time required: Cementing the crown takes around 10 to 15 minutes.

How Long Does a Crown Last?

While we’ve answered, “How long does a crown take to get?” you might also be wondering how long a crown lasts. Dental crowns are designed to be durable, but their lifespan can vary depending on the type of material and how well you care for them.

Average Lifespan of Different Crown Types

  • Porcelain and ceramic crowns: These tend to last about 10 to 15 years.
  • Metal crowns: Can last over 20 years.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns: These last between 10 to 15 years.

Good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups will help your crown last longer.

Can You Speed Up the Process?

how long does a crown take

If you’re thinking, “How long does a crown take at its fastest?” When time is of the essence, here are some ideas to cut down on the duration.

Opt for a Same-Day Crown

If your dentist offers same-day crowns, this is the fastest option. It eliminates the need for a second appointment and the wait time for the permanent crown to be made.

Book Appointments in Advance

To avoid delays, try to schedule your follow-up appointments in advance. Dentists often have busy schedules, so the sooner you can secure your spot, the better.

Discuss Options with Your Dentist

If you have a tight schedule, be upfront with your dentist. They may offer solutions to help speed up the process, such as using in-house labs or providing priority scheduling.

So, how long does a crown take? The answer depends on various factors, such as the type of crown, the complexity of your dental situation, and your dentist’s schedule. In general, traditional crowns can take 1 to 3 weeks, while same-day crowns can be completed in just a few hours. How Long Does a Crown Take? It’s essential to discuss your options with your dentist to determine the best solution for your dental needs and timeline. How Long Does a Crown Take? Whether you opt for a same-day crown or a traditional crown, understanding the process will help you feel confident in your decision.